Animals Prove That Friendship Overcomes All Differences
This will melt your heart and warm your winter!
Iguana and Cat
Sobe the iguana and Johann the cat were both rescued by a woman in Brooklyn. Every day, when the iguana was let out of her cage, she would go and find the cat for play time...

Lioness and Impala
After this lioness was abandoned by her pride, she soon adopted a baby impala after killing it's mother. Several times, she tired to leave the baby in the company of other impalas, but ended up having to take the baby back under her wing because the other impalas were always frightened away.

Hippo and Mountain Goat
Humphrey the hippo was a house pet that became too large and was then moved to a better suited home at the Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve in South Africa. Humphrey was safe, but lonely. That is until a Cameroon Pygmy Mountain Goat climbed the fence to Humphrey's enclosure. The two have been best friends ever since!

Fawn and Baby Bobcat
After a devastating forest fire, fire rescuers ran out of crates for the animals that had been saved. This fawn and baby bobcat were placed together in an office temporarily. Hours later, firemen noticed that they'd taken a liking to one another, and cuddled like this for the duration of the time they were kept together.

Dog, 8 birds and Hamster
Bob the golden retriever lives in Brazil, along with his human and eight pet birds (and one hamster). They are best friends!

Deer and Cat
Hoppy the deer was orphaned and is raised by human parents and one cat, in Quebec.

Elephant and Dog
This is Bubbles. He's an African elephant playing with Bella the black Labrador. They both live at the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina, and are often seen playing together.

Monkey and Dog
Sai Hu is a dog in a zoo in China. He was brought in to protect a baby monkey that was being bullied by his pack. Ever since, the baby monkey has adopted the dog as his mother and can be seen riding on his back like he would with his own mother.

Dog and Owl
Torque adopted Shrek the owl chick when he was just 6 months old himself. Shrek was removed from his mother’s care because handlers were afraid that she might eat him when stressed. He’s doing great now, and the two have become inseparable pals.

Chicken and Puppies
After being saved from the pot due to a foot injury, Mable found a new wonder when she was moved into her owners’ home – puppies! For some reason, the year-old hen has taken to roosting on the puppies and keeping them warm while their mother prefers the yard.

Lion and Dog
Milo the tiny dachshund took Bonedigger the lion cub under his wing when it was discovered that the lion was suffering from a metabolic bone disease that left him disabled. Five years later, the 500 pound lion is still the best of buddies with the 11-pound dachshund and his two compatriots, Bullet and Angel.

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