20+ Photos That Prove How Merciless Time Really Is
Time isn’t something we can touch, but we always feel its influence. Many things become much better with time, like good wine, but that isn’t always the case — sometimes things change completely! But either way, passing years leave undeniable imprints on everything. We gathered 20+ photos that show the irreversible work of time.
Someone’s forgotten bicycle in The Netherlands

The echo of war

The cat has been scratching the same leg of this bench for the past decade.

It’s been 20 years.

Time has not been kind.

A ball that has been left in the forest for years

The 1901 marble stairs in Passage, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Grapes’ life cycle

An abandoned synagogue in Romania

These photos are a 1-year difference, but look how this little puppy has grown.

A cross between nature and civilization

The metal floor at an amusement park

This friendship isn’t getting old.

A statue in a forest in Russia

From a little birdie to a grown hunter

The sunken bell tower of Nikolsky Cathedral

The difference between these photos is 35 years.

It’s really hard to believe that there was once a railroad here.

On the left is a new handle and on the right is the identical handle that has been used for many years.

These stairs are more than 2,000 years old.

This swing has been used for many years. Time is merciless even to metal.

This road that usually has tons of traffic

These pictures show a span of many years. It’s impossible not to be sad while looking at these.

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